

Colors in Stone

  • Morelos Family Home
  • Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • March 17, 2013
  • Copyright, all rights reserved

This turned out to be a lesson in color balance and intensity by accident. One a Day 56 is the same photo, but the first draft version. When I work on photos after a shoot or walk, I first cull out anything that isn’t worth saving and then adjust the remaining photos to a good “normal” interpretation. The human eye interprets a narrow band of the available light energy into the view of the world as we know it. A dog or a housefly or a bee will see the same scene but interpret it differently. And, the truth is, no two people will interpret color and shade in exactly the same way. So, when I go for my own interpretation of a photo, I make a virtual copy of the adjusted normal in Lightroom and then adjust the view to what I want my viewers to interpret.

I did that with this photo, but when I made the export for the web, I grabbed the normal instead of the interpretation. So, you get to see both. This is what I was aiming for and One a Day 56 is the normal. The point of this photo is that unless you were sensitive to the color variations in the stone, you would never notice them. They are always there, but you have to look into the scene to see it. Morelia is famous for its pink Cantera stone and this is just one example of the variations in local stone color. Call it a bonus please. It makes me feel better….