One A Day – 219 – Banderas

It is September 15, Independence Day for Mexico.

Yesterday I took a short walk, just a couple of blocks and shot just a few pictures. See if you can count how many flags there are in these photos. And then, if you are not from Mexico, on your independence day – how many flags do you see displayed?

There are many things said about Mexico, and the Mexican people have many valid complaints. But they also have unwavering pride. Never underestimate their pride, their passion, their honor.

Tonight, there will be another Grito.

Viva xico!


Traffic on Allende


Plaza Las Armas


Bandstand and Cathedral in Plaza Las Armas


Bandera vendor – Madero


Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo – a public university and the oldest institution of higher education in the Americas.

  • Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • September 14, 2013
  • Copyright, all rights reserved