One A Day – 330
Alicia exiting the car in front of the salon
Weddings are always huge family affairs – this one was no different. Everyone waits for the festivities to begin.
Lupita arrives to join the family.
Tradition sets the course of events – here a prelude to the throwing of the bouquet.
And everyone dances.
- Cuerámaro, Guanajuato, Mexico
- January 3, 2014
- All rights reserved
Unless you have chosen to photograph weddings for a living (in which case your first defense is to grow a thick hide), being asked to take wedding pictures is always full of pitfalls. No one ever looks like they want to look, there is always someone “grooming” and posing people when in fact they don’t know what they are doing, and there are never enough back up shots.
I’m happy to help with photos for family and this year I was asked to take photos of the wedding of Salvador and Alicia. When I downloaded the photos off the card this morning – I had 276. I’ve already cut this down to about 240 but there is a lot to the post processing you need to do to make a good photo for weddings. That is especially true of the “couple closeups” which are generally too stilted and posed for my taste.
But weddings are a part of life and they are always important in a town like Cueramaro during the holidays. Our families come back and celebrations are planned to coincide with their visits. So – if you have a large family, you can plan on a lot of events during the holidays. This year was no exception.
we would like some more pictures please.
Just watch every day – there will be more…
Gracias Becki!