One A Day – 496 – Different

Last Flight
Last Flight

Colorful Evening

Colorful Evening

Between the Cracks
Between the Cracks

One of these days we will coordinate repainting.
One of these days we will all coordinate repainting…

  • Walking Toward Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • August 3, 2014
  • Copyright, all rights reserved

To say these photos are a departure is a bit of an understatement. The photos from this series are taken with the two new lenses I bought while in the US last week. This is first time I have shown any photos from the new “walk-around telephoto” – a Sigma 18-250 and the first photo walk I have taken with the Sigma 10-20 super wide angle. I spent a lot of time feeling unprepared, because I wasn’t used to switching these lenses. I got better during the walk and I expect that will continue.

The telephoto is really only good for average to bright daylight. It falls off quickly in low light and becomes less useful. I can see that for late evening walks, my kit will be the super wide and the normal kit zoom that came with my camera. In good light though, the telephoto is very nice and it is nice to have a full, overlapping set again – wide, normal and telephoto.

The pigeon shot was literally, out of the blue. It is not the kind of scene I usually look for. But it was there and I could see the colors would be very interesting. I hemmed around and finally shot it. Last Flight, Colorful Evening, and Between the Cracks were all shot with the telephoto. You can see the compressed point of view in Colorful evening and the narrow depth of field in Between the Cracks. It is a macro lens as well, so you can expect to see more photos of small subjects, up close.

The last photo on this page – of the three houses – was literally a surprise to me. The houses were at the end of an intersection with another street. That allowed me to back up more than the width of the street they are on and really isolate them. There is some other editing going on there too – but those are secrets for another time. To me, the last shot on this page is very satisfying.

There will be more from this series and more surprises. Stay tuned.