One A Day – 533
Metales M5 at the Conservatorio de las Rosas
- Metales M5 at the Conservatorio de Las Rosas
- METALES M5: Alexander Freund, Oscar Villegas- trompetas. Juan Carlos Quiterio – corno francés, Roberto Carlos Cruz – trombón. Jose Lopez – tuba
- Invitados especiales: Jose Alberto Cruz, Eduardo Chacon, Luis Arellano, Eduardo Tepox(Cátedra de Trompeta del Conservatorio)
Leonardo Sierra, Sergio Cruz (Graduados del Conservatorio de las Rosas), Jorge Mejia (Mariachi “Los Jimadores”, Schagerl Mexico) - Conservatorio de las Rosas, Centro, Morelia, Michoacán, México
- October 9, 2014
- Copyright, all rights reserved
This was a truly inspiring concert. No question. The hall and the excellence of the musicians made it something I will remember for a long time. A brass choir that could change the mind of the most dedicated of classical music haters.
This set includes only one photo that has been highly stylized, as I am sure you can see. “Playing with Shadows,” is a tone-mapped single with the color saturation almost completely removed. The result was “resaturated” in Lightroom to show only yellows and a bit of orange. I wanted to find a way to highlight the shadows, reduce him to almost a silhouette, and retain the color of the trumpet. It was an interesting challenge…