One A Day – 636

A flower study – One




A jade plant asks to join

  • Centro, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • May 12, 2015
  • Copyright, all rights reserved

I don’t do many flower studies, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to. I just don’t see flowers I would like to try to photograph all that often. Obviously, I need to visit more gardens.

This is one of those cases when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that attracted my attention. It was late in the afternoon so the light was just a little too low to get the backlighting on the flowers I love, but I went for it anyway. I worked over photo Four quite a bit and I’m still not sure I like it. It isn’t unusual for me to edit a photo one night and come back the next morning and see something that doesn’t agree with me. The good thing is all my edits are reversible, so it is just a matter of pushing it in a different direction.  With Four I used a reverse vignette – which is something I almost never do. In fact I can’t think of a time when I have used the style before. The image just didn’t do anything for me until I tried reversing the vignette.

Anyway – a study is just that – a number of trials of ideas of how to convey a moment I saw in passing. Enjoy my passing fancy….