Tagged: Me


Exposed to Jazz – color Amati Cafe Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México March 28, 2014 Copyright, all rights reserved Because I take a lot of photos and select some for posting every day, I...

Time to Shake Off The Bots

Recently there has been a wordwide epidemic of computers and servers infected with code that turns them into robots, searching the web endlessly for poor folks who don’t keep the backdoors on their WordPress...

Just a bit longer…

The work of linking photos back to the posts is progressing – at this pace it probably won’t take more than a few days more. In the process, I’m changing some of the tools...

Welcome Back!

You probably didn’t even know you were gone… If you missed it – I’ve spent the last few days moving my server from Amazon AWS to Dreamhost. AWS is a good system, but it...

Ale and Hardy

What happened to July? Hmmmm – I got older – ugh.  It went by so fast, but I can’t complain. I had a good month, good times really.  I went to a couple of...