Exposed to Jazz – color Amati Cafe Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México March 28, 2014 Copyright, all rights reserved Because I take a lot of photos and select some for posting every day, I...
Exposed to Jazz – color Amati Cafe Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México March 28, 2014 Copyright, all rights reserved Because I take a lot of photos and select some for posting every day, I...
Well, just in case you haven’t noticed – I made a few modifications to the format so I could push posts to full width. I do post a lot of photos after all, and...
Recently there has been a wordwide epidemic of computers and servers infected with code that turns them into robots, searching the web endlessly for poor folks who don’t keep the backdoors on their WordPress...
The work of linking photos back to the posts is progressing – at this pace it probably won’t take more than a few days more. In the process, I’m changing some of the tools...
You probably didn’t even know you were gone… If you missed it – I’ve spent the last few days moving my server from Amazon AWS to Dreamhost. AWS is a good system, but it...
What happened to July? Hmmmm – I got older – ugh. It went by so fast, but I can’t complain. I had a good month, good times really. I went to a couple of...