One A Day – 562

Keyboard Hands (Duotone Version - Gold-Toning Style)
Keyboard Hands


Having Visions
Having Visions


Lights Going Down
Lights Going Down

  • Kingsmith: Erik Kasten – Guitar, Ivan Ramirez Glez – Drums, Vic Romero – Bass, Omar Ramírez O – Keyboards
  • 3rd Annual Amati Jazz & Blues Fest
  • Quinta Yucanpil, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • December 6, 2014
  • Copyright, all rights reserved

This is the end of the series of band photos from the Amati Jazz & Blues Fest. It has been a fun series to work on – I got a change to stretch a lot of creative muscles. There are a few more photos I may release, but for now at least, I need to move on.

If you look back at the photos in the series, you will see that each band has a little different feel or style. Most of that is from post processing. It comes from how I experience the music and style of the group. I hope you got a bit of that in your viewing…