1076 – Los Minds Laguna Jam Session

Juan Carlos and Charly Join

Let’s drop this one right here.

In Thought

Let’s calibrate this harmonica

Harmonica Man

This is a jam session

Three Expressions

The Boys Make It Happen

Chris Leads

  • Los Minds Lagunas: EMILIANO JUÁREZ: Guitar / ALFONSO ROBLEDO: Bass, Vocals/ MARCELO RICARDO: Drums, Vocals / DAVID TANGANELLI: Harmonica with Juan Carlos Cortes – Guitar & Voz, Charly Blues – Harmonica, Chris Sanchez – Guitar & Voice
  • Amati Jazz & Blues Club
  • Centro, Morelia, Michoacán, México
  • December 15, 2017

And so we have the last set from the last concert of last year at Amati. Next week there will be a new show for the new year and I will be there. A month ago today, I was finding out that what I was experiencing was a minor stroke, as I stumbled and fell all over the place. Yesterday, I woke up and what I thought was a weird feeling and perhaps a dream was my ability to walk without a cane coming back. It isn’t pretty yet. It’s not for primetime and certainly not for “Dancing with the Stars” but my balance and coordination are coming back in a strong way. I am very grateful to everyone and the miracles that are happening to me little by little. I’m going out tonight to see a concert and get some dinner in celebration. I’m not done with my rehabilitation, but you need to celebrate the little triumphs.